Wednesday 14 November 2018

DWI Charges and the Houston DWI Lawyers

At times, the driver becomes involved in a serious accident that may cause disability or even death and this may lead to criminal consequences. Similar to the criminal charges, the punishments go much more than the fines and it includes imprisonment and lifelong license suspension. In this situation, the Houston DWI Lawyers are needed greatly. This is to make sure that the convicted people can exercise their rights and the charges necessarily do not mean an end of life for them. The laws of every state vary and so, people would need the law experts in their respective states that can give them assurance to win the case. It is not very difficult to find a lawyer as you can browse on the internet and find out a good lawyer. It may be unavoidable for people to get charged for DWI offense, but the world should not end there for these people.

Importance of a Good DWI Lawyer
The first step that you should do when you face a DWI arrest is to contact a DWI defense lawyer. It is never late to contact the Houston DWI Lawyers because they can help you to save money, reduce the sentence, and retain your driving privilege. The penalties for the DWI conviction are very severe and they usually have a long-lasting effect. With the help of skilled professionals, you can eliminate a DWI conviction. Some of the penalties include loss of the driving license, monetary fines, mandatory drug or alcohol treatment, enhanced insurance rates, community service, etc. The DWI attorneys can question the efficiency of a testing equipment, evaluate the traffic stop, provide an expert witness, and others. A good representation by the DWI attorneys can save you a lot of money, jail time, and a legal record.

A DWI Arrest
A DWI arrest includes four phases – vehicle in motion, pre-arrest screening, personal contact, and post-arrest processing. A vehicle is stopped for traffic violation rules, high speed, improper use of the lane, or an equipment violation. A police officer, however, may stop a vehicle for drunk driving. Moreover, driving very slowly and unusual behavior of the driver does not justify a vehicle stop. After the vehicle is stopped by a police officer, he makes observations for deciding whether the driver was intoxicated while driving. The officer observes the alcohol odor, glassy eyes, slurred speech, license fumbling, and the other areas of intoxication. Additionally, the officer also asks the driver several questions related to drunk driving.

Monday 22 January 2018

A Detailed Guide On DWI Offence And Houston DWI Lawyer

Houston DWI Lawyer
Houston and its suburbs are filled with DWI Lawyers because of the fact that the charges for committing a DWI offense are severe. A good DWI lawyer should have a detailed knowledge on the laws prevailing in Houston to free his client from any DWI charges. You can either search them on the internet or telephone book or even contact your friends and relatives to refer a good Houston DWI Lawyer. A good referral always increases your chance of getting released from severe punishment and fines. You just need to do a bit of homework before you decide to choose one.

Steps To Follow After Being Arrested For DWI Offense
A person can be convicted of a DWI offense if the concentration of alcohol in their blood is 0.08 percent or more. Even a teenager below the age of drinking can also be convicted of such offense if caught in an intoxicated state while driving. As per DWI laws prevalent in Texas the person suspected should compulsorily have to submit to chemical testing in the presence of a law enforcement official. In case of any refusal the punishment can be enhanced. This is where the role of a Houston DWI Lawyer comes in to play who is the only one who can protect and save you from such circumstances. The first thing you must do is cooperate with the law enforcing authorities otherwise the chances of your charges getting increased might be enhanced. You must not speak out everything about the incident before you get the help of a lawyer. It is important to contact a good DWI lawyer and hire him to defend your case and get you free from all the charges levied against you.

Possible Charges For A DWI Offense
The BAC levels in your blood will decide on whether you are to be charged with DWI offense. BAC levels of up to 0.08 percent will be considered as a minor offense whereas level of more than 0.15 percent will be considered as a second time offense. The charges can be worse than you might think it to be. In such a case hiring a Houston DWI Lawyer is the safest and the wisest option at hand. The BAC results will decide on the intensity of your crime and you might even be put behind the bars for such an offense. Though in case of a minor offense a mere monetary penalty is charged, things can be a bit different sometimes. If you are arrested you might have your license suspended and have to get yourself involved in social services. You will also have to install a car ignition system in your car after such conviction. The amount of monetary fine and the number of days in jail all depends upon the seriousness of the case.